The Adult Forum

We offer various opportunities for Adult Formation here at WMC. In the past couple of years we have walked through the Essential 100 Bible Challenge, the Essential Jesus Bible Challenge, a book study of Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright, Adult Form on Art & Faith, Episcopal 101, a midweek lecture series on C.S. Lewis and the Reasonableness of Christianity, and bible study.

Beginning Sunday September 22, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., The Adult Forum will feature Bishop Robert Barron’s The Mass video series.  We will spend 8-10 weeks walking through each of Barron’s excellent and informative videos on the Mass.  The objective is for attendees to learn more about what really takes place during the Mass and for each person to be more engaged in the Mass and more in love with God as a result.

Fr. Tommy & Fr. Tim will facilitate discussion by pausing the video for discussion and reflection rather than waiting until the video is over.  Come ready to learn and join in the conversation! 

Click the photo below to sign up.