Doug Gefvert, Carillonneur
Doug Gefvert, Carillonneur of Washington Memorial National Carillon, began his musical career at an early age by singing in his hometown church choir and taking organ lessons from local church organists.
Mr. Gefvert continued his study of organ and church music, earning a Bachelor of Music degree in organ from Westminster College and a Masters Degree of Music History from Temple University.
While at Westminster College, he was introduced to the carillon by Robert Perkins, Organist and Carillonneur of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Sharon, Pa. He later studied the instrument with Frank Péchin Law here at Washington Memorial National Carillon. Doug is a Carillonneur Member of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America.
Before coming to Washington Memorial National Carillon, Mr. Gefvert was Bellmaster at historic Old Christ Church in Philadelphia for 21 years. He has written and arranged numerous pieces for carillon and has given recitals in the United States and Canada. For 32 years, Doug was also a Branch Manager for The Verdin Company of Cincinnati, selling bells and clocks in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. Doug is also the Coordinator of the Chapel’s Veterans Wall of Honor. Its bronze plaques, displaying the names of U.S. military veterans, help fund the carillon.
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Learn more
For more information on the Carillon and The Veterans Wall of Honor, contact Doug Gefvert at 610-265-5211 or by email.