Burk Legacy Society

Dear Friends,

Our Accounting Warden, Eric Sharpe, recently gave a speech kicking off our Planned Giving Campaign and our Burk Legacy Society quoting the words of a song, “Something to be Proud of.”  He said that those words echo in his mind as he walks the 42 acres of our Chapel property.  Eric is right.  Washington Memorial Chapel is something we can all be proud to call our church home.

We have the privilege of worshipping God and serving the public here in these beautiful buildings and on the sacred ground of Valley Forge because of those faithful men and women who came before us.  They left us a beautiful legacy. Now it is our turn.  We are meant to serve not only those who are our contemporaries but generations yet unborn.  What legacy will we leave future worshippers and guests of Washington Memorial Chapel?  I have no doubt - something that they, too, will be proud of!

We are inviting you to join the Burk Legacy Society as a “Planned Giver” for future generations at Washington Memorial Chapel.  What is a “Planned Gift” or a “Legacy Gift"?  Simply put, it is a donation that is designated for an organization at a future date, often at the time of death through a will. This gift is made through a formal financial or estate plan.  The gifts come in the form of cash, securities, retirement plan distributions, life insurance policies, real estate, and the list goes on.  You can discuss your unique opportunities with your financial advisor or attorney, as you may be surprised to learn how many unique ways you may be able to leave a legacy for future generations at the Chapel.

 Every person who informs us that they are including Washington Memorial Chapel in their planned giving will become members of our new Burk Legacy Society.  Fr. W. Herbert Burk was the founder and first Rector of Washington Memorial Chapel. So we thought it fitting to honor our founder by naming the society after him.  As you give for the future of Washington Memorial Chapel, Burk’s original vision for the Chapel to be The Nation’s Bethel continues to be realized for future generations.  Each member of the Burk Legacy Society will receive a beautiful Washington Memorial Chapel coin presented in a velvet box.  You will also be invited to an annual gathering to celebrate the good work God is doing in and through you.

Please let us know of any questions.  Eric Sharpe, our Accounting Warden, is happy to answer any questions.

Thank you in advance for your efforts to ensure Washington Memorial Chapel’s legacy continues to be a blessing for generations to come.

With Gratitude,

Fr. Tommy and the Vestry of Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge

Ways to Make Your Pledge & Gifts

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